Developmental Services

Cota provides a variety of Developmental Services across the City of Toronto and the GTA/Southern Ontario.

Click the title of each listing to link to see information about our services and programs.

Case Management

Dual Diagnosis Case Managers provide individualized support to adults (16+ years) living with a co-occurring developmental disability and a diagnosis of serious mental illness and live in the City of Toronto. Clients work collaboratively with a case manager towards achieving identified goals. A dedicated portion of our Dual Diagnosis Case Management service reserved for people living with a dual diagnosis who are involved with the justice system.

Cota’s Dual Diagnosis Case Managers are members of Cota’s Integrated Service Teams (ISTs) which are multidisciplinary teams that provide case management services to multiple target populations within defined geographic catchment areas. Each Cota IST is comprised of case managers that specialize in Mental Health, Acquired Brain Injury, Substance Use, Dual Diagnosis and Geriatric Mental Health.  The ISTs receive support from consulting psychiatrists.

Cota’s IST services are aligned with the geographic areas of Toronto-based Ontario Health Teams (OHTs), as follows:

  • Cota’s North York IST is aligned with both the North Western Toronto OHT and North York Health Partners OHT
  • Cota’s Scarborough IST is aligned with the Scarborough OHT
  • Cota’s Toronto West IST is aligned with both the Toronto West OHT and Toronto Mid-WestOHT
  • Cota’s Toronto East IST is aligned with the Downtown East OHT and East Toronto Health Partners OHT

To make a referral for Cota’s Dual Diagnosis Case Management please contact us at (416) 785-9230 ext. 8793. 

Cota’s APSW program assists people in exploring possible options for transitioning to independent living and provides practical case management supports (such as linkages to health/dental/professional services, social/recreational opportunities, coaching and support in the areas of daily living/budget management) in order to assists them in living in the community as independently, safely and securely as possible.

This service is available to:

  • adults with developmental disabilities who have lower support needs (based on their Support Intensity Scale assessment); and
  • who are living with a caregiver(s) 50+ years of age; and
  • want to live more independently in the community


Cota’s APSW program eligibility requires that the referred person currently resides within the City of Toronto borders. For more information, or to make a referral, please contact Developmental Services Ontario-Toronto Region, 1 (855) 372-3858.

Quality of Care Oversight & Service Coordination

The program offers case management services to clients while also ensuring that the fee-for-service agencies provide quality services in compliance with Quality Assurance Measure (QAM) regulations. Cota’s Specialized Care Program provides case management services to young adults who:

1) Have a developmental disability

2) Live in fee-for-service residential care settings, and

3) Have completed service delivery through the Special Needs Team at Skylark.

Le service n’accepte pas les renvois externes.

This program supports adults with developmental disabilities who were formerly in the care of one of the Toronto-based Children’s Aid Societies.  The program ensures that clients receive quality support while they reside in privately operated fee-for-service residential care settings by offering case management services to the clients and by providing effective oversight to the fee-for-service agencies.  On an annual basis, the program is responsible for ensuring that each fee-for-service agency is audited in order to ensure compliance with Quality Assurance Measures (QAM) regulations. 

To make a referral: Only the four Toronto-based child welfare agencies: Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Toronto; Children’s Aid Society of Toronto; Jewish Family and Child Services and Native Child and Family Services may make referrals to this service. Workers from the child welfare agencies wishing to make a referral must contact Developmental Services Ontario- Toronto Region, 1 (855) 372-3858.

Supportive Housing

Il s’agit d’un programme de logement à possibilités mixtes avec soutien sur place pour dix personnes ayant un diagnostic mixte (une déficience développementale et un trouble mental concomitant). Le programme, qui est offert en partenariat avec Vita Community Living Services, fournit un grand éventail de mesures de soutien aux résidents, incluant un logement subventionné, une aide pour la préparation des repas, une gestion des médicaments et des activités de perfectionnement des compétences, qui les aident à augmenter leur indépendance. Le programme offre également des services de gestion de cas, qui aident les clients à établir des objectifs personnalisés et à accéder aux ressources ou services dans la communauté, selon les besoins.

For more information or to make a referral: Please contact Developmental Services Ontario- Toronto Region 1 (855) 372-3858.

Madison is a 24/7 supportive housing program for eight (8) individuals with a dual diagnosis (a developmental disability and co-occurring mental illness).  The program, which is offered in partnership with Vita Community Living Services, provides a wide range of supports to the residents including rent subsidized accommodation, assistance with meal preparation, medication management and skill-building activities that help them to build their independence.   The program also offers case management services which help clients to create individualized goal plans and to access community resources/services as needed.


For more information, or to make a referral, please contact Developmental Services Ontario-Toronto Region, 1 (855) 372-3858.

Cota provides 24/7 on-site support at two of Toronto’s first affordable housing sites developed using modular housing methods.  One site is in Mid-West Toronto (Dufferin and College area) and the other in Southwest Scarborough (bordering East York)

The Mid-Toronto site is a 44-unit building and the Southwest Scarborough site is a 56-unit building.  All units are deeply affordable and intended to offer housing options to people exiting chronic homelessness. Some of the units at each are dedicated to clients already enrolled in Cota’s AHFT teams.

Other units are available for people living with developmental disabilities.  There are six (6) such units at each site.


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