Mental Health Services

Click the title of each listing to link to see information about our services and programs.

Case Management

Mental Health Case Managers provide individualized support to adults (16+ years) living with a serious mental illness across the city of Toronto.  Services include assessment, individualized recovery/goal planning and direct support in areas of identified need.

Cota’s Mental Health Case Managers are members of Cota’s Integrated Service Teams (ISTs) which are multidisciplinary teams that provide case management services to multiple target populations within defined geographic catchment areas. Each Cota IST is comprised of case managers that specialize in Mental Health, Acquired Brain Injury, Substance Use, Dual Diagnosis and Geriatric Mental Health.  The ISTs receive support from consulting psychiatrists.

Cota’s IST services are aligned with the geographic areas of Toronto-based Ontario Health Teams (OHTs), as follows:

  • Cota’s North York IST is aligned with both the North Western Toronto OHT and North York Health Partners OHT
  • Cota’s Scarborough IST is aligned with the Scarborough OHT
  • Cota’s Toronto West IST is aligned with both the Toronto West OHT and Toronto Mid-WestOHT
  • Cota’s Toronto East IST is aligned with the Downtown East OHT and East Toronto Health Partners OHT

To make a referral to Cota’s Mental Health Case Management service please contact The Access Point at 1 (888) 640-1934 or visit their website at

GMH Case Managers provide individualized support to clients who are 65 years of age or older with a diagnosis of dementia or serious cognitive decline or be of any age with an early onset diagnosis of dementia. All eligible clients must also have complex care needs (e.g., significant mental health challenges, frailty issues, a serious/chronic medical illness which requires intensive support, significant challenge with maintaining safe living situation, etc.) This service is provided across the city of Toronto.

Cota’s Geriatric Mental Health Case Managers are members of Cota’s Integrated Service Teams (ISTs) which are multidisciplinary teams that provide case management services to multiple target populations within defined geographic catchment areas. Each Cota IST is comprised of case managers that specialize in Mental Health, Acquired Brain Injury, Substance Use, Dual Diagnosis, Geriatric Mental Health.  The ISTs receive support from consulting psychiatrists.

Cota’s IST services are aligned with the geographic areas of Toronto-based Ontario Health Teams (OHTs), as follows:

  • Cota’s North York IST is aligned with both the North Western Toronto OHT and North York Health Partners OHT
  • Cota’s Scarborough IST is aligned with the Scarborough OHT
  • Cota’s Toronto West IST is aligned with both the Toronto West OHT and Toronto Mid-WestOHT
  • Cota’s Toronto East IST is aligned with the Downtown East OHT and East Toronto Health Partners OHT


To make a referral to Cota’s Geriatric Mental Health Case Management service please call us at (416) 785-9230 ext. 8793.

Dual Diagnosis Case Managers provide individualized support to adults (16+ years) living with a co-occurring developmental disability and a diagnosis of serious mental illness and live in the City of Toronto. Clients work collaboratively with a case manager towards achieving identified goals. A dedicated portion of our Dual Diagnosis Case Management service reserved for people living with a dual diagnosis who are involved with the justice system.

Cota’s Dual Diagnosis Case Managers are members of Cota’s Integrated Service Teams (ISTs) which are multidisciplinary teams that provide case management services to multiple target populations within defined geographic catchment areas. Each Cota IST is comprised of case managers that specialize in Mental Health, Acquired Brain Injury, Substance Use, Dual Diagnosis, Geriatric Mental Health.  The ISTs receive support from consulting psychiatrists.

Cota’s IST services are aligned with the geographic areas of Toronto-based Ontario Health Teams (OHTs), as follows:

  • Cota’s North York IST is aligned with both the North Western Toronto OHT and North York Health Partners OHT
  • Cota’s Scarborough IST is aligned with the Scarborough OHT
  • Cota’s Toronto West IST is aligned with both the Toronto West OHT and Toronto Mid-West OHT.
  • Cota’s Toronto East IST is aligned with the Downtown East OHT and East Toronto Health Partners OHT.


To make a referral for Cota’s Dual Diagnosis Case Management please contact us at (416) 785-9230 ext. 8793.

Cota’s Access to Resources & Community Support (ARCS) service provides short-term case management to adults (16 years+) who have recently visited the emergency department of Humber River Hospital or North York General Hospital for mental health and/or addictions issues.  This short-term service includes an assessment of need, mental health education to clients and caregivers, direct support and linking to other community supports and primary care.

To make a referral: Emergency staff identify patients who require community support and fax the referral form to 416-785-9358 Attn: ARCS Manager. This service does not accept external referrals.

MCIT-CMP is a collaborative program between Cota, Toronto Police Service and various hospitals across Toronto and Scarborough; providing wrap around supports to individuals who have recently accessed MCIT for their mental health and/or addictions related concerns. The program was developed with partnerships between Cota, Toronto Police Service, North York General Hospital, Humber River Hospital, Scarborough Health Network, Michael Garron Hospital, St. Joseph’s Hospital and St. Michael’s Hospital.

Individuals who are referred into this program from an MCIT member receive rapid access into the program with contact made within 48 hours. Once enrolled into the program, Cota provides one on one, short-term, intensive case management over a span of 3 months.

The mission of the MCIT-CMP program is promoting stabilization and health/wellness by providing supports to individuals based on their unique needs and recovery goals; crisis management and intervention; facilitation of cross team collaboration and enhancing the transition of care between the justice and health sectors.

This service does not accept external referrals. All referrals for this service come from the Mobile Crisis Intervention Teams directly.

Cota is a community partner within the City of Toronto’s Streets to Homes (S2H) initiative. S2H works with street-involved, homeless individuals and its goal is to end street homelessness within the City of Toronto utilizing the Housing First approach. Cota’s role within this program is to support to individuals who have been housed by S2H, but who may have clinical support needs related to addictions, acquired brain injury, mental health issues, etc. and who, as a result, may require intensive follow-up supports in order to remain successfully housed.

All referrals for this service come from the City of Toronto’s Coordinated Waitlist administered by the Shelter, Support and Housing Administration.

Cota’s Release Planning Case Management Program is for inmates with a serious mental illness who about to be released from the Toronto South Detention Centre. Cota provides services to male inmates on remand (awaiting trial, sentencing or other proceedings) and offenders who are on short-term sentences. The Release Planning Case Management Program is designed to provide short-term support for clients as they transition back into the community.

Individuals requiring/requesting support beyond the term of this program will be referred on to other community-based mental health services prior to discharge from the Release Planning Case Management Program. This service is available to adult males (18+ years) who are living with serious mental illness or a dual diagnosis, are incarcerated at the Toronto South Detention Centre, are approaching release and are assessed by Cota as being able to be safely supported in the community through this service. 

Les renvois à ce service sont reçus directement du personnel du Centre de détention du sud de Toronto.

Cota’s Mental Health & Justice: Prevention Program provides individualized support to adults (16+ years) living with a serious mental illness who are at significant risk of involvement or re-involvement with the criminal justice system. Our Mental Health & Justice: Prevention Program service providers work collaboratively with their clients to provide client-centred support aimed at assisting them to minimize the probability of future involvement with the justice system and live safe, active and fulfilling lives within the community.

The Cota Mental Health & Justice: Prevention Program is offered to residents of the North York Community only. Similar services are available in other Toronto communities, through other agencies.

For more information or to make a referral: call us at (416) 785-9230 ext. 8793

Le programme de soutien en santé mentale lié aux tribunaux de Cota aide les adultes (16 ans et plus) ayant des troubles mentaux identifiés, qui ont des interactions avec le système judiciaire et dont le dossier est déjudiciarisé, à obtenir le traitement et le soutien dont ils ont besoin, comme solution de rechange à un procès. Les services offerts incluent des aiguillages vers des services de courte ou de longue durée dans le système de la santé mentale, comme la gestion de cas et le logement avec services de soutien, ainsi qu’un soutien pour y accéder.

Referrals to this service are made at Cota’s Mental Health Court Support office within the 1000 Finch Avenue West Court.

FOCUS is a program offered in collaboration with St. Michael’s Hospital (SMH). This service offers Case management and Assertive Community Treatment supports to individuals (18-65 years) living within SMH’s catchment area who are experiencing current serious mental health issues that significantly impair their ability to function and live well in the community. 

Challenges in community functioning may be demonstrated in areas of housing (e.g., multiple evictions), physical health, coexisting substance use disorder, and criminal justice involvement. This is a interdisciplinary team, that offers a shared care model of support and which offers flexible levels of intensity of support, depending on the client needs.  Cota provides case Management supports within FOCUS.

For more information, or to make a referral, please call The Access Point at 1 (888) 640-1934 or visit their website at


Supportive Housing

Cota’s Assertive Housing First Team(s) provide support to adults (18+ years) who are homeless in the City of Toronto and are living with a serious mental illness. Cota operates two AFHT services. Combined they provide AHFT support across the entire city of Toronto. Each interdisciplinary team works with individuals to find safe and affordable housing based on personal preferences and provides intensive interdisciplinary team supports to assist them in maintaining housing stability and their pursuit of personal recovery.

For more information, or to make a referral, lease call The Access Point at 1 (888) 640-1934 or visit their website at

Our Mental Health & Justice Supportive Housing Program provides rent-subsidized housing By-Law 2014-1

and support to adults (16+) living with mental illness who are homeless and are involved with, or, are at significant risk of involvement with the justice system. Cota provides housing support to tenants through scheduled individual visits and coordinated group activities to assist tenants to develop an individual safety and housing support plan and assist them to achieve/maintain optimum health and wellness while pursuing personal recovery.

Referrals to this program are only accepted from designated priority referral sources which include Mental Health Court Support Services, police, probation/parole services, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health’s Law and Mental Health (CAMH – LAMH) Program, Ontario Shores’ Centre for Mental Health Sciences and other designated Mental Health & Justice funded services.

Where appropriate, these agencies can make a referral by calling The Access Point at 1-(888)-640-1934 or visiting their website at .

Adams House is a supportive housing program located in downtown Toronto that provides rent-subsidized accommodation and seven-day a week on-site Cota supports to twenty men and six women living with mental health challenges. Each tenant has their own bedroom and shares a bathroom and kitchenette with two or three other tenants. There is also a large common area with a living room, kitchen and dining room on the main floor.

For more information, or to make a referral, please call The Access Point at 1-(888)-640-1934 or visit their website at .

Bailey House est un programme de logement avec soutien, situé dans Parkdale, qui offre des logements subventionnés et un soutien de Cota sur place en tout temps pour les 15 hommes adultes (16 ans et plus) vivant avec de graves problèmes de santé mentale, un diabète concomitant ou un état prédiabétique et qui sont sans-abris ou posent un risque considérable de devenir sans-abris au moment du renvoi. Chaque locataire a sa propre chambre (avec salle de bain privée) et partage une cuisine communautaire et une salle de repos avec d’autres locataires.

For more information, or to make a referral, please call The Access Point at 1-(888)-640-1934 or visit their website at

Cota’s Step By Step Supportive Housing Program provides rent-subsidized accommodation and support to people living with mental health challenges in the Scarborough community. Each tenant occupies his/her own apartment or housing unit and Cota provides support to tenants through individually scheduled visits and coordinated group activities.

Our supportive housing staff work collaboratively with tenants, their families, landlords and other service providers, as appropriate, to assist tenants to develop an individual safety and housing support plans and assist them to achieve/maintain optimum health and wellness while pursuing personal recovery. This service is available to adults living with a serious mental illness who are 16 years of age or older and are homeless, or at significant risk of becoming homeless assessed as being able to be safely supported by the program.

For more information, or to make a referral, please call The Access Point at 1-(888)-640-1934 or visit their website at .

Beaty is a nine (9) room rooming house in Parkdale offering deeply affordable housing for adult men living with mental health challenges who are either:

  • Moving from a higher support setting, so that that setting can accommodate someone who is directly exiting homelessness that requires a high support setting; or
  • Directly exiting homelessness themselves


Each tenant has his own bedroom (with an en-suite bathroom) and shares communal kitchen and lounge with other tenants.

This service is intended to provide affordable housing to people who are further along with their recovery journey and who are assessed as having the ability to live independently with only a mild level of support from Cota, delivered through prescheduled weekly appoints. 

Referrals are internal to current clients enrolled and receiving support from one of our four Integrated Service Teams, while working closely with Coordinated Access and Access Point to determine eligibility. 

Cota provides 24/7 on-site support at two of Toronto’s first affordable housing sites developed using modular housing methods.  One site is in Mid-Toronto (Dufferin and College area) and the other in Southwest Scarborough (bordering East York)

The Mid-Toronto site is a 44-unit building and the Southwest Scarborough site is a 56-unit building.  All units are deeply affordable and intended to offer housing options to people exiting chronic homelessness.  Some of the units at each are dedicated to clients already enrolled in Cota’s AHFT teams. Other units are available for people living with mental health and/or mental health and justice system involvement for minor offences, as follows:

  • 17 units at the Mid-Toronto site for people mental health challenges and justice system involvement for minor offences
  • 13 units at the Southwest Scarborough site for people living with mental health challenges


For more information, or to make a referral to these units, please call The Access Point at 1-(888)-640-1934 or visit their website at .  Please note that all referrals to these sites must satisfy the homelessness criteria of the City of Toronto and be registered with their Coordinated Waitlist.

Coming soon!

Accommodation with Supports

Services de soutien sur place

Cota’s Boarding Home Site Support program assigns teams of service providers to support tenants within the Habitat Services boarding home system and to some apartments and co-op settings operated by Mainstay Housing. The teams visit sites on a regular basis to provide support to the tenants who live there and to boarding home operators and their staff. Services include the facilitation of group activities and events that foster tenant engagement, the development of social connections, education and skill development.  The teams also provide individual support to tenants, as time allows, in the areas of community orientation, linking to other services and professional supports, situational dispute resolution and informal counselling and guidance.

This Cota service is only available to the tenants that Habitat Services and Mainstay Housing admit to specific housing sites. As such, Cota does not accept referrals for this program from other sources.

The Health, Home & Community program provides an on-site support service to the tenant community of 220 Oak Street, six (6) days per week.  Support is delivered by a multi-disciplinary service team comprised of a mental health case manager; a supportive housing worker; an addictions case manager and peer support specialists deliver the program. Services are dedicated to assisting individual tenants to maintain their housing stability, improve their physical and mental health status, reduce unnecessary crisis calls to the building (e.g., EMS/police calls) and promote the development of community within the broader tenant population. 

This service is only available to tenants of 220 Oak St.  Any 220 Oak St. tenant can request services by contacting the Cota office at 220 Oak Street directly at (416) 363-5080.

The Lawrence East Partnership Program provides on-site support services to tenants of two Toronto Community Housing buildings located at 4175 and 4205 Lawrence Avenue East, in Scarborough.  The program aims to support vulnerable tenants with complex needs to maintain housing stability and improve their physical and mental health status. LEPP is a multi-disciplinary service team comprised of mental health case managers; a registered nurse; a housing worker; a peer support worker and a personal support worker delivers the program. Partners are Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities (lead agency), Fred Victor and Cota. Cota provides a mental health case manager to the program.

This service is offered to the tenants of 4175 and 4205 Lawrence Ave. only. To make a referral: Call 416-847-4158 or email


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